Deutsche Bundesbank

Wonderwerk supports the Deutsche Bundesbank with several innovation projects and design thinking initiatives.
The Deutsche Bundesbank is the independent central bank of the Federal Republic of Germany. Its core business area is Eurosystem monetary policy. It is also responsible for the financial and monetary system, banking supervision, payment systems, and cash management.

Provided Services

Product and Service Innovation

Innovations Skills

Innovation Culture

Agile Organisation
Wonderwerk provides support to various departments of the Deutsche Bundesbank in areas such as innovation, change, and agile management. For example, we work with the design thinking method to explore and prototype new services and products that spur the digital transformation of the Bundesbank. To this end, we organize and facilitate multi-day design sprints that can take place both on-site and remotely. During these workshops, we help innovation teams with need-finding, creating personas and customer journeys, ideation, and rapid prototyping.